
Showing posts from May, 2015

Right Coast Pro Wrestling “Curve Ball” Results from 5/16/15 – Newark, Delaware

RightCoastPro Wrestling “Curve Ball” Results from 5/16/15 – Newark, Delaware Quick Results: Introducing your New RightCoastPro Heavyweight Champion The Wrestling Mercenary Nicholas Sohlo ·        The “Mercenary” Nick Sohlo takes the RCP Heavyweight Championship from Aaron Stride! ·        The “Legendary” Cheetah Master returns to the ring with a broken arm (thanks to the Baldwin’s).  He names Ryan Rush as his replacement in his match vs Harry M. Baldwin. ·        Chris “The Show” Steeler beats “Bad Apple” Matt MacIntosh for the #1 Contender spot ·        “Hall Of Famer” Mozart Fontaine takes the win over “The Prince of Aesthetics” Damian Gibbs who is wearing Coastee (the Monkey Mascots) ring attire (details below)! ·        “Heavyweight” Sean Royal takes the win over “Latin Lover” Chachi then announces he has chosen a new partner to re-form his team of the “Heavyweights”! ·        Ruby Rubino gets a cheap win over Colton Quest as manager Sebastian Night creates