Will Right Coast Pro Wrestlings' King Mega Capture the Crown and emerge victorious in Delaware?

The Countdown to the Crown has started and RCP’s resident King, King Mega, looks to emerge victorious in the Rumble Tertius and lock in that number three slot in the +Right Coast Pro Wrestling Heavyweight Championship Finals.
King Mega is the crowd favorites pick to win the Rumble Tertius, and he certainly has the size, power, strength and determination to do so, but first he divide and conquer the teamwork that has been used effectively to eliminate him in the previous Battle’s.
Can the King’s strategy of Divide and Conquer help him Capture the Crown?
April 20, 2013 Right Coast Pro presents RCP-3 Tertius Oculus at the RCP Arena  (Life Community Church – Center) 750 Otts Chapel Rd in Newark Delaware 19713. Doors 6:15pm Tickets on sale now. http://www.rightcoastpro.com
