A picture is worth a thousand words, and seldom lies. Right Coast Pro Wrestling Delaware

Here is a photo taken at +Right Coast Pro ’s recent Festivus Event that we are very proud of: Two Delaware Legends The Cheetah Master and Jim Kettner.  They possess a knowledge and passion for the sport that every aspiring athlete, trainer, or promoter should strive for.
This picture also is quite humorous, in an odd sort of way, and a reminder of the reality we now live in. For some reason the “Internet Community” has painted these two Pillars of Delaware Pro Wrestling as bitter enemies when the truth is quite the opposite.
You would think in this day in age, an age filled with irresponsible journalism where a reporter’s concept of news consists of cutting and pasting fabricated content from obscure irrelevant blogs, the general public, would not buy into Internet and Social Media Rumors. We really have to laugh at the stupidity of it all. Well here you go, it may be from an obscure blog, but pictures do not lie Cheetah Master and Jim Kettner are friends. Always have been, always will be.
And that my friends is the core of pro wrestling, friendships built for live, developed out of blood, sweat, tears, hard work and most of all respect.
Whatever you do in life, do it with all your might and leave nothing on the table. Do it with passion, positivity, respect and honor. Do it Right!  

RightCoastPro returns to action September 14th with its Back to School Event at the RCP Arena in Newark Delaware


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