Major Decisions to be Made by Right Coast Pro Wrestling in Delaware's CEO Mister Crister

The biggest question on everyone’s mind is just who will be named #1 Contender for the +Right Coast Pro Heavyweight Championship and face “Heavyweight” Sean Royal on July 26 in Newark Delaware?
This is a tricky decision and could cause a lot of dissent among the locker room depending on Mister Crister’s decision. While RCP does have a Championship Committee that advises Mister Crister, the decision is ultimately his and as of late the CEO’s decisions have come under a lot of fire. 

God’s Gift Aaron Stride and Wrestling’s Man of Steel Chris Steeler have decisions to make also as Mister Crister has allowed them both to pick each other’s opponents for Festivus 2014 Delaware Pro Wrestling and Community Event.
This event will most likely sell out so buy your tickets now to see Former WWE, TNA and Worldwide Superstar World Warrior Low Ki will face Former TNA and International Pro Wrestling Superstar The Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels one on one.
Want a Reserved & Preferred Seat for this blockbuster fight? Go online now at and save $5 off the general admission price of $20 at the door per adult ticket. Kids as always are only $8 and we do offer special family discount plans so be sure to check that out on our website.
