Right Coast Pro Wrestling Delaware Athletic Rules of Conduct

 Great article from our friends at USP labs & Renegade Training Regarding the Rules of Conduct for an Athlete. Read the full article here: http://usplabsdirect.com/blog/instant-training-improvement-tips-december-30-2010-achieving-your-athletic-development-resolution.html

Rules of Conduct

a) Focus. If you are going to be an athlete, you have to carry yourself as one and presuming that means you are still in your studies, you will apply yourself to achieve in the classroom. Yes, I know you are rolling your eyes because you have not heard that before but in my world, where I build champions, you will study, study diligently with a challenging course load, nor with detailed notes from an ‘assigned tutor’. Not everyone can be the star athlete that receives the loving praise for supporters but every athlete can finish their academic studies. Not every athlete can play professional sport but every athlete should leave the field of competition as a man and woman of principles, prepared to lead. That may be a surprise in an era that accommodates foul conduct for an elite athlete but it is about time for positive change. Welcome to the world of being a student-athlete and for that matter, a leader of tomorrow.

b) Adversity is something you overcome. Principles never have a price tag and doing what is right is never wrong. Say that until it is second nature and eventually you will begin to respect there is something extraordinary that plays a role in every decision you will make in life. You will face many obstacles in life and when sport has taught you that ‘adversity is something you overcome’ and you are a man or woman of principles, you have become a champion.

c) Respect. Respect yourself, fellow man, team mates, the institution you play for, your family name and the sport. Whether you play a team sport or not, show respect at every corner and be an example of building a better world. This includes interaction in the public where you will conduct yourself as a gentleman or lady in every possible manner, including appearance, conduct, diction and manners. With a team setting during travels, players are to wear issued blazers with tie at all times in public.

d) Business. This is not a joke and I am neither a shoulder to cry on nor your friend. I am here to develop leaders of tomorrow and whilst I care for those less fortunate, I will not tolerate mental weakness or mistakes by those who call themselves ‘dedicated athletes’. A coach’s task is to assist your development and all those he or she leads should see improvement, both on and off the field of competition. Part of that job is ensuring you are ready to handle many difficult challenges, including those you have no idea that lay in life’s horizon. Trust me as there are many challenges in the horizon far greater than a bouncing ball.

e) Prepared. That means, complete your studies on time, get the appropriate amount of sleep, eat the right food and make sure you supplement per your schedule before you come to your prescribed training session and be punctual. Within team meetings, athletes are to ensure all mobile devices are turned off, with feet flat on the floor and attention to wholly directed respectfully towards coaches.

f) Team. Speaking directly to those in a team sport, wear your team issued shirts, shorts at all times during training. There will be no discussions, you are a team. If you think light of that, ask older athletes how bad they wish just to wear that jersey, that crest, those colours, just one more time. Every coach reading this statement has just stopped, recalled their youth and now thinking, ‘please, just once more’. It will not happen so please, cherish and respect this moment.

g) Family. When you are training with your team mates, they are your family, your ‘brothers / sisters’ and you exalt them to greatness, as well as putting away petty issues. Look to your right, then left and whether you can comprehend this now or not, these memories will last a lifetime. You will never forget your team mates and decades from now, you will share these memories as if they were yesterday. Your family is only as great as weakest link and that link is instrumental to your success. If you are a leader on that team, you make sure you finish your task and get back in line to help motivate your ‘brother / sister’ to achieve. If you are possibly that ‘weakest link’, chin-up because your role is push others forward to build the foundation and have an extraordinary part in your ‘families’ success. Individual accomplishment reaches its pinnacle when the team accomplishes its goal. In-fact personal trophies and awards are of no consequence if said team has not reached its objectives.

h) Purpose; when you are training, there should be no ‘chit-chat’ other than pushing your team mates on to do their best. All mobile phones and other electronic devices remain in either the change rooms or equipment facility but otherwise not allowed in practice area. There should be no discussions on musical selection, not a word when a coach says a thing and never sit down during a training session. Never means ‘never’ and I don’t debate. Please read that sentence again as I do not debate or compromise my ethics. Many people in life will provide you 'many second chances' but with me there is one chance and failure to abide by said rules means immediate elimination. I never give second chances.

i) Honour, Commitment and Loyalty. Shoulders back, head up, walk tall. Be proud of yourself and address others with respect and dignity that further demonstrates your intelligence. You are a student-athlete, built of honour and conviction, ready to lead in the field of competition and life. Sport is meant to uplift society but somewhere along the last thirty year’s the whole thing became a quagmire. It is time to change and if you implement these simple rules and this generation can begin to re-write this mess.

Be sure to come on out January 17, 2015 for the next great +Right Coast Pro Wrestling event and see some exceptional athletes who all strive to fulfill the #DMC Rules of Conduct
When: Saturday Night Jan.17, 2015

Where: Life Community Church, 750 Otts Chapel Rd in Newark Delaware. Doors: Time: 6:15pm

Cost: $8 Kids, Adults $15adv/$20 door, Discounts available online at http://www.RightCoastPro.com
