Right Coast Pro Wrestling March 9 Match Update for Blake vs Stevens

The Graphic for the “Self Made” Michael Blake and Francis Kipland Stevens was done, but I have just been informed that both “Self Made” Michael Blake and Francis Kipland Stevens have both been called into Mister Crister’s office to discuss a very special stipulation for their upcoming match on March 9, 2013 for Right Coast Pro Wrestling Delaware’s Event “Nulli Secundus.” Unfortunately I do not know what that stipulation will be, but when I find out you will know. Hence the bubble on the graphic. Knowing Mister Crister and RCP Lisa like I do this should be pretty darn good. Maybe it will be a Homework Contest?

Right Coast Pro Wrestling March 9,2013 Doors open 6:30pm to the RCP Arena, 750 Otts Chapel Rd in Newark Delaware 19713.


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