The Fighting Paramedic Corey Blaze looking to keep the fire burning and grab RightCoastPro Championship Gold

“The Fighting Paramedic” Corey Blaze has literally been on fire since entering Right Coast Pro Wrestling in Delaware. Coming off a huge win where he teamed with the Legendary Cheetah Master against the team that is now being dubbed “The Mercenaries” Corey Blaze is looking to extend that winning streak to both the six man elimination match and the Countdown to the Crown – Rumble Tertius and land himself the coveted number 3 slot in the Right Coast Pro Wrestling Heavyweight Championship Tournament.

April 20, 2013 Right Coast Pro presents RCP-3 Tertius Oculus at the RCP Arena  (Life Community Church – Center) 750 Otts Chapel Rd in Newark Delaware 19713. Doors 6:15pm Tickets on sale now.


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