Student vs Teacher at Right Coast Pro's Back to School Pro Wrestling Delaware Event

Principal Caitlin has just announced a very special Student/Teacher Tag Team Match at +Right Coast Pro’s Back to School Pro Wrestling Event this Saturday September 14 in Newark Delaware.
And as an added bonus, the loser of this match must wear a dunce cap! 
The participants, self-proclaimed Greatest Pro Wrestling Teacher on the Right Coast, Billy Bax along with his disciple “The Definition of a Ring Technician” Mr. Harry M Baldwin Vs The Legendary Chick Magnet Mozart Fontaine along with star pupil, Colton Quest. 
Who will receive a time out? 
Is Billy Bax as good as he says he is? 
Who will have to wear the Dunce cap center ring? 
Find out Saturday Night September 14, 2013 at the RCP Arena aka the Life Community Church (750 Otts Chapel Road) in Newark Delaware. for all the details.


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