Results for Right Coast Pro Wrestling in Delaware's Strange Happenings Event

+Right Coast Pro results for November 9th 2013 – Strange Happenings – Newark, Delaware
·        ECW Original Mikey Whipwreck gets the win over Billy Bax by pinfall in an Extreme Rules match
·        Champion King Mega retains his title over #1 Contender “The Outlaw” Stockade in a Dog Collar and Chain match
·        Joey Silver and Colton Quest go 15 minutes to a draw with 2 pinfalls each in a Beat The Clock match
·        Damian Gibbs is the last man standing in the Old Fashioned Bunkhouse Battle Royal
·        JJ “The Crew Guy” gets the pin over “Mercenary” Nicholas Sohlo in a Legends Reunite match
·        “Mr Upgrade” Mike Reed wins a Stretcher match against Francis Kipland Stevens
·        “Chick Magnet” Mozart Fontaine wins over Harry M Baldwin in a Loser Wears a Diaper Match
·        Corey Blaze wins a “Sabado Gigante Challenge” from “Mexican Hardcore Champ” Pedro Duro.

Next Show December 7, 2013 - Newark Delaware


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