Christmas comes early for Right Coast Pro Wrestling's Billy Bax

Christmas came early for Right Coast Pro’s Billy Bax who decided to rudely cut in in front of the young RCP interns awaiting to see Santa Claus.  Despite his bad behavior Santa Clause gave him special present, his former wrestling gear (cap & gown) and encouraged him to once again become the successful “Valedictorian” from wrestling past.
In the Wrestling present, The Valedictorian arrogantly confronted longtime first state of Delaware Wrestling Legend 1614 Fitness’ “The Cheetah Master” before taking on the ever dangerous RCP highflyer Courageous Cruz in what turned out to be a Moonsault vs 450 spash contest.
Billy Bax pulled out the win,
and now the Wrestling Future has him pitted against former WWE superstar Matt Striker come January 18, 2014.


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