Self Made Michael Blake leaves Right Coast Pro Wrestling after losing to Chris Steeler

The stakes just jumped tremendously higher for the competition!  Two of +Right Coast Pro ’s top performers now had their jobs on the line pending the outcome of the match.  Blake, of course had to tip the odds, by conveniently forgetting something in back, which turned out to be Aaron Stride who tormented Steeler and immediately took his attention from the task at hand.

 Blake and Steeler went about the match in a serious manner, with hard-hitting, intense action and of course interference by Mikes Guy with the brief case to the head of Steeler after Stride offered up the perfect distraction for the ref!  Nonetheless, Michael Rose steps up, bans Stride from ringside and allows the match to continue as Security carried Stride to the back. 

A barrage of back and forth hard-hitting, no-nonsense action continues until finally Steeler is able to subdue Blake. 
Perhaps Steeler was the stronger competitor; perhaps he was just a little smarter, or perhaps Blake is just not as enterprising as he thinks he is with his “Flock of Seagulls” hairstyle and his bedazzled right-hand man, Guy! 

The whole crowd enjoyed a few versus of ‘Na, na, naaa, na, hey, hey, hey, good bye!” as Self Made Michael Blake and his guy found themselves suddenly without contracts.
Right Coast Pro Wrestling returns to Newark Delaware on March 29 and it will be no walk in the park.


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