Right Coast Pro Wrestling Resident Bully Bazooka Joe looked to be put in place by Brian Johnson

After last months actions, where he Pearl Harbored, Brian Johnson backstage. Mister Crister has signed Bazooka Joe to face Number One Brian Johnson. If you watch this footage, then you know that this has the makings to be all out war. 

Mister Crister, CEO of +Right Coast Pro is banking on Brian Johnson humbling Joe and putting an end to his bullying ways. 
While it is doubtful anyone will convince +BazookaJoe03 to abandon his bullying ways, or teach him humility, a loss is not out of the question for this RCP Elite Pro. Number One Brian Johnson is looking to impress and gain a permanent spot on the roster. July 26, RCP Arena aka Life Community Church, 750 Otts Chapel Rd, Newark Delaware is the place. Doors 6:15 is the time. Festivus 2014 is the event. Bazooka Joe is the Antagonist, Brian Johnson the Protagonist. See it live. http://www.RightCoastPro.com for details


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