Right Coast Pro Wrestling Festivus 2014 Event in Delaware Ticket Raid Info

Ticket Raid! This Saturday Night at the Wilmington Blue Rocks Baseball Stadium, July 12 at 7pm. Come on by as the +Right Coast Pro Wrestling Family will be set up in the concourse enjoying some great baseball action, and as a special bonus our good friend and  +Mascot Coastee will be on the field for the Monkey Rodeo as well as palling around with his buddy Rocky Bluewinkle. To top it off there will be fireworks too. 

This is a great opportunity to get discounted tickets for RCP’s biggest event of the year Festivus 2014 featuring the World Warrior Low Ki vs The Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels.

The event takes place July 26 at the Life Community Church, 750 Otts Chapel Rd, Newark Delaware 19713. Tickets and more info at http://www.RightCoastPro.com


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