The Mexican Hardcore Champion to battle the Right Coast Pro Wrestling Champion September 13 in Newark Delaware

We at +Right Coast Pro can not believe it either, The Mexican Hardcore Champion Pedro Duro hailing from South of the Border with the Aid of his Translator Mz Fifi has duped RCP CEO Mister Crister into giving him a shot at The Heavyweight Sean Royals Championship Title. 
 When: Saturday Night September 13th
Where? The RCP Arena aka Life Community Church
750 Otts Chapel Road, Newark Delaware 19713
Time: Doors 6:15pm – Bell 7pm
Also announced: Former WWE Superstar Curt Hawkins & ECW Original Mikey Whipreck to team up against “The Dying Breed” The Outlaw Stockade and Hall of Famer King Mega.
God’s Gift Aaron Stride with BFF Josh Maddoxx to team with Clarke Kelly’s Prince of Aesthetics Damian Gibbs to battle Wrestling’s Man of Steel Chris Steeler and Colton Quest
More Matches to be announce soon (hey we need to keep some material for the blog)

Huge thanks to local artist Unparalleled Height for letting us use their tune in our videos. Be sure to check them out on Reverbnation and as +Mascot Coastee would say “It is bananas to support local music!”


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