Tribal Warrior Fallah Returns to Right Coast Pro Wrestling Delaware for Oct.18 Event

Breaking News: 
Due to a contractual television appearance/obligation & a small clerical error on CEO Mister Crister’s behalf, Matt Striker regrettably will be forced to re-schedule his +Right Coast Pro  match with Harry M Baldwin to a later date. Mister Crister & Matt Striker both apologize for this miss-communication & promise to “make it happen” at a later date. Mr. Striker did, however, arrange for a suitable replacement for Harry M Baldin on October 18th : The Tribal Warrior Fallah! 

When? Saturday Night October 18, 2014 

Where? RCP Arena aka the Life Community Church, 750 Otts Chapel Rd, Newark Delaware 19713. 
Time? Doors 6:15pm 
Tickets? Adults $15 (advance) $20 at door, Kids $8, Family Discount Packs Available at


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