Former WWE Superstar Matt Striker to conduct Seminar at Right Coast Pro Wrestling in Newark Delaware

A perfect opportunity to invest in your education!
Mark your calendar - January 18th, 2014!
Just announced! Former WWE Pro Wrestling Superstar, Matt Striker, in conjunction with +Right Coast Pro Developmental will be presenting an open to the public, interactive seminar featuring essential skills, interview techniques, on-camera improvisation and self-promotion.
You need not be a pro wrestler, or even work in the pro wrestling field to benefit from this seminar. While this is a must attend for anyone working in pro-wrestling, broadcast journalism, sports marketing, musicians, character based performers, public figures or any businesses with video presence.
Learn to promote yourself, develop your on-camera character and hear tips of how it’s done in the big leagues! This is a rare opportunity to hear it directly from one of the industry’s top educators, right here close to home, in Newark, Delaware! Mark your calendar for January 18th, 2014 - Registration start Dec 30th – more details to follow. Right Coast Pro and RCP Developmental are a family owned and operated local business that is community based right here in Newark Delaware. RightCoastPro does Delaware Pro Wrestling Right! Be sure to like us on Facebook and Google + as well as Twitter. Website is here:


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