Mercenaries vs Alvin Alvarez & Kip Stevens at Right Coast Pro Wrestling Delaware

+Right Coast Pro Wrestling Manager, Sebastian Night, and his “Mercenaries” Nick Sohlo, “Outlaw” Stockade and Zac “The Ripper” Conner faced the newly formed team of Francis Kipland Stevens and Alvin Alvarez at the RCP Arena in Newark Delaware on December 7th.  

The resident Nerd and smallest competitor, Kip, took the grunt of the punishment as the Mercenaries cut the ring in half. Kip’s partner Alvarez was a ball of energy but could only lead the energetic crowd in a “Lets Go Kip” chant as the Mercenaries proved once more they are a cohesive and veteran team.  While outnumbered and out-sized by the Mercenaries, Alvarez managed to get in last minute, hard hitting offense to beat down the larger man Stockade long enough for Kip to put his chess genius brain to work, and outsmart him.
 In the end it was foiled DDT by Stockade turned into a favorable pin for the team of Stevens and Alvarez. RightCoastPro is family owned and operated local business that supports its community. See  for more details.


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