Monster Factory Pro Wrestling Graduates face off in a Beach Body Posedown at RightCoastPro Delaware

“How can you have a Festivus without a good old fashion Beach Body Posedown? You can’t, its universally impossible. ” – Francis Kipland Stevens. 

Wise words indeed, so direct from the muscle beaches of the Right Coast, The “Sand Kicking” Beach Bully known as Mr. Upgrade Mike Reed will take on “Trademark” Tommy Maclin in a Beach Body Posedown. 
Who has the best Beach Body? 
Will this turn into a Brawl of the Biceps? 

Find out July 13 at +Right Coast Pro's “Festivus” event when these two Monster Factory Pro Wrestling Graduates face off to determine just who has the best body on the Right Coast.  
 Life Community Church - 750 Otts Chapel Road, Newark Delaware 19713


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