Pro Wrestling Industry Peers Unite in Delaware at Right Coast Pro Developmental Showdown

This past Saturday, June 1, 2013, was such an extraordinary night on so many levels that it will take quite a few blogs to hit only the highlights.
One of the highlights was the show of unity among Pro Wrestling Peers in “judging” (although critiquing is probably a more accurate description) the Right Coast Pro Developmental Student Showdown between the first two graduates of the RCP Developmental Program: Harry M Baldwin (I think you can figure this one out) and Colton Quest. 

So this blog will be a special Thank You to the industry experts that took interest, and donated their time Saturday, in our Developmental Program and formed a panel to evaluate the first Right Coast Pro students who debuted June 1st.
Thank you (from left to right in the first photo):

Monster Factory Owner: Danny Cage

Legendary Pro-Wrestling Icon and Owner of the Monster Factory: "Pretty Boy" Larry Sharpe

DCW Talent Evaluator and RCP Elite Pro: Zac "The Ripper" Conner

Former PWI reporter and talent evaluator: Brandi Mankiewicz

Veteran Pro-Wrestler representing the entire Right Coast and RCP Elite Pro: Biggie Biggs

Delaware Pro-Wrestling Legend: Jim Kettner

And yes, JJ The Crew Guy was the special guest referee.


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