Baldwin, Blake and Guy offer up a Hair Raising Experience at Right Coast Pro’s Festivus Event.

 “Self-Made” Michael Blake was chosen last month by RCP Developmental student Harry M. Baldwin to be his partner in a special tag match against CEO Mister Crister and his partner of choice, #1 Developmental Student, Colton Quest at +Right Coast Pro 's recent Festivus Event on July 13, 2013. 
Since Michael Blake had his “Guy” ringside, Temp CEO Francis Kipland Stevens inserted Max Mikado into the corner of Crister and Colton to even the odds.  Stevens demanded that Max Mikado NOT be bullied and for him to stand up for himself by remaining ringside during the match.
Max Mikado definitely was not bullied in the match and served as the determining factor in Blake & Baldwin’s victory.  

Things got confusing, Guy was interfering, Max was trying to help, someone got hit with a briefcase, the ref was knocked out of the ring, Baldwin cheated, Max got punched, Guy ran away, Colton had the match won, there was no ref, Blake interfered, Colton still won, then Baldwin got mad, and Max made a mistake, we think!  Pheww … for more details and photos.


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