Former WWE star Low Ki defeats Billy Bax July 13, 2013 RightCoastPro Wrestling Delaware

Right Coast Pro Wrestling in Delawre Results from July 13th, 2013 – “Festivus” – Newark, Delaware
Former WWE Superstar the“World Warrior” LowKi defeated the "Right Coast's Best Technical Wrestler Ever” Billy Bax in a very physical match that went the distance with Billy Bax coming up just a hair short.
The “World Warrior” Low Ki returned to Delaware after 6 years to a sold out crowd at +Right Coast Pro and the RCP arena and takes the victory over self-proclaimed “Best Technical Wrestling in Delaware” Billy Bax.  Bax was surely stiff competition for LowKi in a back and forth brutal beat down that went toe-to-toe for 20 minutes!  The fans were the real winners in this match with a tremendous show of technical, hard-hitting, and cringe worthy action!

>>Heavyweight Champion King Mega keeps his title over Challenger Prince Nana

·>>A.C. Roc + Kip Stevens over Beaulieu Brothers + “Canada’s Proudest Son” Jason Leigh

>>“Trademark” Tommy Maclin™ over “Mr Upgrade” Mike Reed

·>> “Outlaw” Stockade + Zac “The Ripper” Conner submits Biggie Biggs + “Tribal Warrior” Fallah

·>> Ryan “Adrenaline” Rush over “Dirty” Sonny Deed and Courageous Cruz

·>>“Self-Made” Michael Blake + Harry M. Baldwin over Mister Crister + Colton Quest

>> Ryan “Adrenaline” Rush over Chris “The Show” Steeler

Heavyweight Champion, King Mega, wins his 1st title defense against Prince Nana.  Prince Nana then picks a fight with special guest referee, Legendary Cheetah Master.

RightCoastPro welcomes new tag team A.C.Roc to get the party started.  Canada’s Proudest Son, Jason Leigh interrupts the party in a surprise appearance and aligns himself with the returning Beaulieu Brothers, Kristian and Zachary.  Temporary CEO, Francis Kipland Stevens inserts himself into the match and an impromptu 6-man tag match occurs.  A.C.Roc (Marc Cruz & Shaheem Ali) with Francis Kipland Stevens take the match from the party poopers, the Beaulieu Brothers and Jason Leigh.

The Beach Body Posedown between “Mr Upgrade” Mike Reed & “Trademark” Tommy Maclin™ broke into an all-out beatdown with Tommy Maclin taking the match in the end.  Perhaps “Mr Upgrade” would have made out better without his manager, Mike’s Guy, accompanying him to the ring in full beach gear and toting along every beach accessory known to man?   At least the fans enjoyed the beach balls!

In a heavyweight submission match the team of “The Outlaw” Stockade + Zac “The Ripper” Conner get the upper hand on the team of Biggie Biggs + “Tribal Warrior” Fallah.  Stockade gained the submission with an ankle lock on Fallah.

In a special 3-way match Courageous Cruz faced Ryan “Adrenaline” Rush and newcomer “Dirty” Sonny Deeds.  In RCP’s version of an Old School vs New School match we added the in between as well!  Old school, Sonny Deeds wasn’t able to ground-n-pound his high-flying opponents on his debut match, but new school high-flyer Cruz couldn’t stop the middle guy, Ryan “Adrenaline” Rush either.  Rush takes his 2 opponents with his high-kicks, power moves and cat-like agility.

New segment – “On The Mic With Max” features new backstage interviewer Max Mikado talking with the ladies of RCP.  Will there be a Women’s Division in RCP?   That was the question, and it was never answered as “Self-Made” Michael Blake interrupted and had the women removed from the ring. 

“Self-Made” Michael Blake was chosen last month by RCP Developmental student Harry M. Baldwin to be his partner in a special tag match against CEO Mister Crister and his partner of choice, #1 Developmental Student, Colton Quest.  Since Michael Blake had his “Guy” ringside, Temp CEO Francis Kipland Stevens inserted Max Mikado into the corner of Crister and Colton to even the odds.  Stevens demanded that Max Mikado NOT be bullied and for him to stand up for himself by remaining ringside during the match.  Things got confusing, Guy was interfering, Max was trying to help, someone got hit with a briefcase, the ref was knocked out of the ring, Baldwin cheated, Max got punched, Guy ran away, Colton had the match won, there was no ref, Blake interfered, Colton still won, then Baldwin got mad, and Max made a mistake, we think!  Pheww …  

Baldwin pins Colton for the win once someone threw the ref back into the ring.   What a dramatic rollercoaster this was!

Tables, Ladders and Chairs!  This was a highly anticipated 3rd meeting for Bazooka Joe and Chris “The Show” Steeler.  Bazooka Joes music plays and out comes Ryan “Adrenaline” Rush, WHAT?  Rush claims that he “took out” Bazooka Joe before the show so there would be no fanfare for these guys.  He feels he is more deserving of a prime position in the company and since he beat 2 other tough competitors in his match that night, wanted a title shot with King Mega.  Temp CEO Francis Kipland Stevens didn’t take to this lightly and demanded that the fans get the advertised Tables, Ladders and Chairs match.  Since Bazooka Joe was out,  Ryan “Adrenaline” Rush is now in for the #1 Contender spot for the Heavyweight title, THANK YOU FOR THIS - we Love you Kip Stevens!   Ryan Rush takes the brutal, hard-core, adrenaline pumping match from Chris Steeler and gets his title match in September against King Mega.

The evening started out with a Champions Reception of food, fun, prizes and games to celebrate the first Champion of RCP – King Mega!  Fans were treated to a buffet, party favors, arm wrestling, dance contest, face painting, on camera interviews, a toast to the champ and autographed photos of King Mega and his special guest, Low Ki.  What a way to start off “Festivus”!


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