Bigger than a Party, it was a Festivus for the Ages at Right Coast Pro in Delaware with King Mega, Prince Nana, and Low Ki

The Right Coast Pro Wrestling Delaware July 13, 2013 “Festivus” Event Champions Reception was an overwhelming success! The evening started out with a Grand Reception of food, fun, prizes and games to celebrate the first Champion of RCP – King Mega!  

Fans were treated to a buffet, party favors, arm wrestling, dance contest, face painting, on camera interviews, a toast to the champ and autographed photos of King Mega and his special guests, among which were Former WWE, TNA, and Ring of Honor Star, The World Warrior Low Ki and the Cheetah Master.  
Of course Prince Nana, The Outlaw Stockade, and Sebastian Night had to make an attempt to crash the party, being the party poopers that they are. However not even those three could affect the positive energy and awesome vibes of the Champion’s Reception. What a way to start off “Festivus”!

+Right Coast Pro returns to action in Newark Delaware at the RCP Arena on September 14 (permit pending).





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