Bazooka Joe expelled from Delaware Pro Wrestling and Right Coast Pro until 2013

One of the first assignments of +Right Coast Pro 's Back to School Event was too determine the third entrant into the nights Championship Final Exam.
The Entrants: 
 Mr. Upgrade Mike Reed, Bazooka Joe, Trademark Tommy Maclin and Chris “The Show” Steeler went toe to toe for over twenty minutes which finally saw Wrestling’s man of Steel solve the night’s equation and advance to the Final Exam. The match was not without controversy, however, as Bazooka Joe felt he gained the pin fall but the referee Larry Peace did not see. Tempers flared, and Mister Crister felt the full wrath of Bazooka Joe. Principal Caitlin promptly sent Joe to detention, but detention was not good enough for Mister Crister who expelled Bazooka Joe for the remainder of 2013. Next Show is October 12, 2013 Newark Delaware. for details including former WWE superstar Matt Striker and his return to Delaware Pro Wrestling in a special Teacher vs Teacher match with RCP Developmental instructor Billy Bax.
