The Outlaw Stockade victorious in Filipino Strap Match, now eyes RCP Heavyweight Title

The “Outlaw” Stockade (with manager Sebastian Night) won a very hard hitting Filipino Strap match over “Tribal Warrior” Fallah. Stockade managed to touch all 4 corners in succession and pull off the victory. Later that night, The Outlaw Stockade proceeded to interject himself into the nights Final Exam causing Chris “The Show” Steeler his chance at becoming the Right Coast Pro Wrestling Heavyweight Champion.
Mister Crister wasted no time in making the match, the fans demanded, quite vocally I may add.

Mister Crister wasted no time in making the match, the fans demanded, quite vocally I may add.
Champion King Mega + Chris “The Show” Steeler will take on “The Outlaw” Stockade + Ryan “Adrenaline” Rush in an Imperial Tag Team match on October 12th, 2013

Also announced:
Former WWE Superstar Matt Striker vs Billy Bax
Next show:
Saturday, October 12th, 2013
RCP Arena – Life Community Center
Newark, Delaware
