It is Geography vs The Performing Art at Right Coast Pro's Back to School Pro Wrestling Event

It is Geography vs The Performing Arts: The International Mercenaries vs AC Roc & Biggie Biggs on September 14 at +Right Coast Pro ’s Back to School Pro Wrestling Event in Newark Delaware. 
The International Mercenaries, Nicholas Sohlo (fighting out of Havana, Cuba), J.R. Ryder (Currently fighting out of Ft. Lauderdale, FLA and the neighboring Bahamas’),  and the debut of The Mexican Hardcore Champion, Pedro Duro (From South of the Border) take on the Champions of The Performing Arts, the Shufflin and Musclin team of AC Roc (Party Rock Marc Cruz & the Absolute Athlete Shaheem Ali), along with the rapping wrestler Biggie Biggs. Don’t miss this lesson set for September 14, 2013 in Newark Delaware.
