Colossal Tag Team Match set for October 12 at Right Coast Pro Wrestling in Newark Delaware

October 12th is coming up quick! +Right Coast Pro is busy on the details for our Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation fundraiser show and working with team "Colton's Quest"! Matt Striker, Former WWE Superstar makes his return to Delaware and RCP Heavyweight Champion King Mega partners with Chris "The Show" Steeler in a grudge match against "Outlaw" Stockade and Ryan "Adrenaline" Rush. 

Rush didn't like the outcome from last month’s show and feels the title should be his, 

Stockade joins in with his sentiment and took matters into his own hands by joining with Rush in attacking King Mega at the end of last show. Mister Crister quickly jumps in to break up the melee and makes the match official for Oct 12th! For Pro Wrestling in Delaware at its best checkout the website:


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