Right Coast Pro Wrestling Delaware Results from October 12, 2013 with Matt Striker

 Matt Striker schools Billy Bax with a lesson in respect!  Striker goes toe to toe for 18 minutes with +Right Coast Pro ’s self-proclaimed “Best Teacher” Billy Bax and constantly outwits his shenanigans.  Striker takes the match over Bax; let’s just say he was the smarter of the two!  Striker announces that Billy Bax’s next opponent is ECW original, Mikey Whipwreck, for November 9th “Strange Happenings” in an extreme rules matchup!

·         “The Adrenaline” Ryan Rush + tag partner, “The Outlaw” Stockade take the win over Champion King Mega and “Wrestling’s Man Of Steel” Chris Steeler in a face-paced, drama filled matchup.  Stockade manages to take the Champ down for the pin then continues to aggressively attack him with a chain.  Feeling entitled, Stockade demands a title match with Mega, stipulation – Dog Collar Match!  Mister Crister made that happen for November 9th “Strange Happenings”.

·        Colton Quest gets the pin over “Self-Made” Michael Blake.  Quest was furious when evidence was shown of Blake and His Guy in the midst of shady dealings regarding the fundraiser money collected from the good people at RightCoastPro!  Also revealed was a foreign object that Blakes Guy interjected into the match that gave Blake the first and then invalidated win to the match.  Ref Larry Peace saw the foreign object and restarted the match which then ended in a quick 1-2-3 roll up by Quest.

·        The newly formed team of Anthony Vigilante, Damian Gibbs and “Tribal Warrior” Fallah took the win over Sebastian Nights “Mercenaries” JR Ryder, Zac “The Ripper” Conner and Nick Sohlo.  Gibbs pinned veteran JR Ryder in his debut match for RightCoastPro and Ryder’s partner, Zac Conner had plenty to say about it.  Conner berated Ryder as being old and washed up, he then had choice words for Ryders other friends!  Ryder returned to the ring with longtime partner and friend JJ “The Ring Crew Guy” creating a real threat for Conner and Sohlo.  Mister Crister sprang into action asked if the “J Team” would like to reunite for a 1 night event and face loud mouth Conner and his partner Sohlo at “Strange Happenings” on November 9th.   It was a sealed deal even with Sebastian Night objecting loudly in the corner!

·        “Mr Upgrade” Mike Reed, with newly attained representative, Clarke Kelly, was faced with a dilemma backstage when opponent Francis Kipland Stevens showed up battered from a car accident.  Paramedic on duty Cory Blaze deemed he was unable to wrestle and ended up taking Steven’s spot after Kelly threatened to sue RightCoastPro if his client was not in a match that night as per his contract.  The match with Blaze was accepted after the stipulation of facing Stevens in a stretcher match for “Strange Happenings” was made.  Reed took the match over Blaze in a brutal beat down as Stevens reluctantly watched ringside.  The Stretcher Match for November 9th was signed.

·        “Heavyweight” Sean Royal and debuting partner Joey Silver take a huge win over the team of “Mexican Hardcore Champ” Pedro Duro and “Canada’s Finest Athlete” Jason Leigh.  There was a huge crowd reaction to everything Joey Silver did, the RCP locker room better take notice of this new guy, Silver really shines!

·        Harry M Baldwin somehow managed to get the win over crowd favorite super hero, Courageous Cruz!  Perhaps it was his new hairpiece? In any event being as arrogant as he is, Baldwin continues to brag about his win throughout the next segment on the show featuring Mozart Fontaine and a fan tribute to his newborn twin daughters. Baldwin, enraged at the lack of attention takes to the ring and destroys the fans gifts and beats down Fontaine.  Baldwin will be dealt with accordingly!

Next show:

Saturday, November 9th, 2013

RCP Arena – Life Community Center
750 Otts Chapel Road

Newark, Delaware

Announced matches:

·        TITLE MATCH: Champion King Mega  vs  “The Outlaw” Stockade – Dog Collar Match

·        ECW Original Mikey Whipwreck vs Billy Bax – Anything Goes / Falls Count Anywhere

·        “Mr Upgrade” Mike Reed vs Francis Kipland Stevens – Stretcher Match

·        “Mercenaries” Zac “The Ripper” Conner & Nick Sohlo vs Reuniting “J Team” JR Ryder & JJ “Crew Guy”


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