Official Poster Released for Right Coast Pro Wrestling’s Strange Happenings Event set for November 9, 2013 in Newark Delaware

Announced thus far are 8 great, albeit unusual but Family Friendly, matches starting with a +Right Coast Pro  Heavyweight Championship Title Match between Champion King Mega and number one contender “The Outlaw” Stockade with manager Sebastian Night. The special stipulation: Dog Collar and Chain Match

ECW Original Mikey Whipwreck will be taking on Billy Bax for an Extreme Lesson arranged by Former WWE superstar Matt Striker. This will be a Falls Count Anywhere Match

Mr. Upgrade Mike Reed with new manager Clarke Kelly will be taking on Francis Kipland Stevens in a Stretcher Match

From South of the Border, Pedro Duro says it will be a Sabado Gigante Challenge between himself and The Fighting Paramedic Corey Blaze. What exactly is a Sabado Gigante Challenge Match? Only Pedro Duro seems to know.

RCP Developmental Head Trainer, The Legendary Chick Magnet Mozart Fontaine, has issued a challenge to Harry M Baldwin after having his fan’s tribute to his twin daughters destroyed last show. The stipulation for this match is quite Strange, loser must wear a diaper!

It has been over a decade since a horrific car accident caused the popular J-Team to be put on the shelf, until now. For one night only Delaware Legends J.R. Ryder and JJ the Crew Guy team back up to face the arrogant and antagonistic Mercenaries, Nicholas Sohlo, Zac “The Ripper” Conner, Chance Wesson, and  Sebastian Night.

Also featured is a huge Old Fashioned Bunkhouse Battle Royal. The only way to win is to throw your opponent over the top rope.

Finally it is a Rookie vs Rookie, RCP Developmental Student, Beat the Clock Showdown. The clock will be set at fifteen minutes and whichever rookie has the most pin falls when the buzzer sounds is the winner and will hold bragging rights at the Right Coast Pro Training Center. University of Delaware standout Joey Silver will take on Delaware Tech ace Colton Quest.

Join us November 9, 2013 for a 7pm bell time night of Strange but Fun Happenings. Tickets are only $8 kids, $15 adults either online or at the door. for all the details.
Life Community Church, 750 Otts Chapel Road Newark Delaware 1


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